Yoda has a stick that’s better than bacon in a hilarious Star Wars: The Last Jedi Bad Lip Reading video. Star Wars is of course back in the fore of pop culture consciousness thanks to The Rise of Skywalker, the final movie in the saga that began with 1977’s A New Hope. Disney+ has also added to the Star Wars content surge with the streaming series The Mandalorian and its breakout character Baby Yoda.

Of course, long before there was Baby Yoda there was the original Yoda, the wise old Jedi sage first introduced in 1980’s The Empire Strikes Back. As fans remember, Yoda died and faded off to become part of the Force in 1983’s Return of the Jedi, but because no one’s ever really gone in Star Wars, the wizened green alien wise man returned for the Star Wars prequel trilogy directed by George Lucas (in which he got to improbably flash his lightsaber skills), and again in Force ghost form in 2017’s Last Jedi. For his Last Jedi appearance, Yoda somewhat controversially adopted the “Crazy Yoda” persona he first showed off in Empire when he initially met Luke Skywalker and did not wish to give away his true sagely identity.

Many fans indeed thought having Yoda act crazy in Last Jedi was just more evidence of director Rian Johnson’s poor taste in comedy, even though as mentioned, Yoda already did his crazy act in Empire when he was testing Luke. If Crazy Yoda in the movie was too much for fans, they’re really not going to enjoy the new Bad Lip Reading video in which Yoda goes even crazier and sings a song about his beloved stick, which he declares is better than bacon. See the video in the space below:

The video of course takes advantage of the scene in Last Jedi where Yoda destroys the tree that formerly held the sacred Jedi texts with Force lightning before Luke himself can burn it down (Rey of course had already taken the texts from the tree, making it a worthless symbol). In the Bad Lip Reading take, all Yoda really cares about is his stick, which he repeatedly hits Luke in the face with. Bizarrely, Yoda also goes on a rant about seagulls, which he says are the worst birds. And yes, because this is 2019, there is also a cameo from Baby Yoda.

Thanks to Bad Lip Reading, a scene that was already arguably very goofy here becomes flat out surreal in its weirdness, but of course that is the entire point of Bad Lip Reading. After watching Yoda rap about his stick, seagulls and poking his own bruise to make it hurt, the somewhat silly take on the famed character from Star Wars: The Last Jedi frankly looks downright reverent.

More: All Star Wars Movies, Ranked Worst To Best (Including Rise Of Skywalker)

Source: Bad Lip Reading

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