Lizzie’s love interest on Legacies is Sebastian, a suave vampire from a different time. He’s been desiccating since he was a teenager, making him both older than Lizzie but stalled enough to be somewhat her age. Lizzie is enamored with Sebastian, so much so that he seems to take up most of her narrative. While Josie is grappling with the threat and eventual progression of Dark Josie, Lizzie is thinking about Sebastian. While Josie and Ric are trying to find a way for them all to get out of the prison world, Lizzie is in a fancy dress, dancing with Sebastian.

Sebastian has been marketed as being a little similar to Damon from The Vampire Diaries. Perhaps like Elena, Lizzie finds herself pulled to that potential-bad-boy charm. However, is Sebastian really good for Lizzie? We vote no.

Has A Bloody History

From Ric, we learn that Sebastian had a bloody history when we see Ric reading a chapter called, “Sebastian the Merciless.” The fact that Sebastian was barely a vampire before he was desiccated and yet caused enough destruction for someone to write about it, doesn’t speak well. In a short time as a functioning vampire, he hurt people.

We had a hint of information about this, when Sebastian bragged about his bloody history to Kaleb, another vampire. This caused Kaleb to not want to free him.

Isn’t Over His Ex

When Sebastian was a vampire back in his day, he was in love with a witch. He carries her memory as close to him as he carried the necklace she gave him. He remembers seeing her killed in front of him, and how hard it was to not being able to do anything about it. As a matter-of-fact, when Lizzie and he are together, he mistakes her for his ex. He calls her his ex’s name instead. Part of the reason he’s into Lizzie is because she reminds him a little of his ex. This is never a good way to start a relationship.

Doesn’t Tell Lizzie The Truth

Lizzie doesn’t know much about Sebastian’s bloody past. He hides this part of himself from her, and he doesn’t tell her the full truth of his past and present. In one way, we could see that he does this in order to protect her, but in another way, he does it in order to deceive her. He wants her, and he knows that if she knew more about him, she may not return the sentiment.

Lizzie may have a touch of the Gemini-crazy, but she’s all heart and compassion. It’d be hard for her to be with someone that caused that much pain and destruction.

Doesn’t Try To Bond With Her Friends And Family

Sebastian is from another time, and being in the modern world is hard for him. This is easily understandable, but he doesn’t make much of an effort to adapt either. He’s at the school, surrounded by Lizzie’s friends and family, and he doesn’t try to connect with any of them. In a sense, it seems that Sebastian may think that they are all beneath him, that none of them are worth his time.

The only person that interests him is Lizzie. However, as enchanting as it can seem to be someone’s whole world, that island of two can get pretty lonely. Additionally, Lizzie loves her friends and family. They’re important to her. Sebastian needs to respect that, and he could do that by trying to get to know others.

Is Much Older

No doubt, Sebastian’s age is a little fuzzier since he was left desiccating for much of it. However, if we were to count those years and the time period he came from, Sebastian is older than Lizzie’s parents and all of her friends. Vampires have a different sort of aging and birthdays, as Klaus once said to Caroline, but still Sebastian is an old man next to Lizzie.

Sure, Elena dated two old vampires, and Caroline had sex with an even older vampire, but it seems even stranger in Legacies.

Doesn’t Respect Her Dad

Sebastian is condescending and cocky with Ric, Lizzie’s dad. He even tries to harm Ric at one point. Luckily, Ric is clever and outsmarts Sebastian. Although he does save Ric, most of the time he doesn’t care for Ric. He even brags to Ric that he has control over Lizzie’s mind, something that we believe (and hope) was a lie to make Ric angry.

Lizzie adores her whole family, and she has a lot of love for her dad. After all, her dad has worked with her a lot about her episodes where she loses control. Sebastian should understand this, but he doesn’t.

Tries To Pull A Damon

Sebastian tries to do many things that Damon did. One of the worst things that Damon did, which was excused in The Vampire Diaries since it saved Elena, was doping Elena with vampire blood against her consent and will. In Legacies, Sebastian does the same. Fearful that he won’t be able to protect Lizzie and that she’ll die like his previous love, he tricks her into drinking his blood. He puts it in her wine.

In Legacies, we see how horrific and toxic this is as it is the gesture that makes Lizzie wake-up. She’s been waltzing around with Sebastian all the while her family has been trying to get them all out of the prison world. After this, she fears Sebastian and gets away. When Ric finds her, hurt in a car wreck, she immediately cries to him that she doesn’t want to be a vampire. Sebastian never even asked her; he believed that he was doing the best thing for her, thus leaving her completely out of the decision.

Isolates Her From Friends And Family

In the most recent episodes, Sebastian quite literally isolates her from her loved ones. He separates her from Josie and Ric, taking her away to live a daydream at a fancy house. However, in other scenes, he also isolates her. Nearly, every scene that we see them in together is the two of them alone. Contrast this with other romantic relationships present in the show, and it’s more striking.

For instance, although Hope and Landon are a couple, they are often with their friends together; they work together with others. They may have a couple moments, but they’re integrated into each other’s lives. Sebastian doesn’t always understand the importance of Lizzie’s friends and family to her. Worse yet, he tries to get her to choose between him and her family.

Diverts Her Attention From Other Practical Matters

Once Sebastian entered the story, Lizzie’s attention has been on him. She is boy crazy, so much so in that she isn’t always present when her friend group needs her. Meanwhile, while Josie is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, experimenting with black magic, strengthening her craft, and becoming Dark Josie, Lizzie is only focused on Sebastian. If this were to continue and the twins would have to do The Merge, there is no way that Lizzie would win. She’s stopped her studies and practice of magic in order to think about and only be with Sebastian.

He’s become the main part of her storyline, and Lizzie is an interesting character that deserves better than that.

It Is An Unhealthy Relationship

All in all, this romance between the two is unhealthy. Sebastian lies to her, isolates her, tries to force her to choose between her family and him, and tricks her into drinking his blood. Lizzie is young and hasn’t had that many relationships. We want her to have a healthier one, too.

Her mother, Caroline, once said to Klaus that people liked being around her, something that people didn’t have with him. Multiple times we saw how Caroline protected her friends and cherished her family. Lizzie shares many of these same characteristics. This unhealthy relationship isn’t fair to her and her character’s journey. Sebastian once feared that he wasn’t good enough for Lizzie. And he was right.