The Legends of Legends of Tomorrow might object to the title “hero,” but despite their unconventional methods, they’ve proven that they’re a scrappy, ragtag superhero team. While they might not do everything by the book, they always manage to successfully preserve the timeline — even when they were the ones who broke it in the first place.

Over the show’s first four seasons, there’s been some rotation in the line-up. Heroes have come and gone from the time-traveling Waverider, so for this list we’re focusing only on the current Legends. Read on to find out how each of the current members of the team stack up.


When Ava Sharpe was introduced on Legends of Tomorrow, she was a pen-pusher working at the Time Bureau. Initially, Ava was not a fan of the Legends. Their rough-and-tumble ways and penchant for messing everything up got under her skin. She attempted to stop their work more than once, but eventually began to see the value of their approach.

Since the team suffered through the difficult demise of Martin Stein, Ava has periodically joined the Legends on missions. She’s shown that she’s an excellent fighter. She’s even fought Sara Lance, her eventual girlfriend, to a draw. As a result of her work with the Legends, Ava learned she’s a clone. While the news was very disconcerting, it did explain Ava’s near flawless combination of brains and fighting ability.


Charlie is a shapeshifter the Legends encountered on a mission to London in the 1970s. When John Constantine cast a binding spell, she got stuck in the form of former Legend Amaya Jiwe. In many ways, this was more disconcerting for the team than her constant shifting. It quickly became clear, though, that Charlie was very different from her level-headed counterpart. And now that she’s personalized Amaya’s look to her own tastes, she’s become an accepted member of the team.

Charlie spent years trapped in Mallus’ realm with other magical beings, and as a result, became an expert on the subject. Her knowledge has been extremely useful to the Legends. Also, as her powers of shapeshifting have slowly returned, they’ve given the team another useful tool to deploy on missions.


When Mick Rory was first introduced in The Flash, he the furthest thing from a hero. With his partner Captain Cold, he committed crimes all over Central City. While he maintains the gruff attitude of a villain, after joining the Legends, Mick evolved into a genuine hero.

Not only has become a loyal member of the team, he’s even developed his creative side and published a popular series of romance novels. Mick doesn’t have any superpowers, but his blunt-force fighting style and heat gun still serve him well.


Mona is the most recent addition to the Legends. Her compassion for creatures of all kinds, even the magical ones, led her to join the Time Bureau to take care of the beings it was holding. After getting scratched by Konane, one of her charges, she developed a split physiology. Now she can transform from her human form into a Kaupe, who she refers to as Wolfie.

After discovering her new powers, Mona joined the Legends. While her transformations were initially triggered by anger, they’ve more recently taken on a defensive dimension that leads Wolfie to take over when Mona is frightened. In her Wolfie form, Mona is incredibly strong and can easily overpower anyone threatening her. However, her powers are still new and largely untested.


After joining the Legends, Nate became the super-powerful Citizen Steel. As the name implies, he can turn his body to steel, which makes him as strong and invulnerable as the substance itself. However, Nate rarely uses his powers, more often choosing to make a contribution with his knowledge as a historian. Because of that, in the fourth season of the show, he’s spent more time behind a desk at the Time Bureau than going on missions with the Legends.

Due to his reluctance to use his powers, Nate hasn’t exactly become an expert at using them. In fact, when Ray was possessed by Neron and went after Nate, Nate only managed to  turn into steel briefly before becoming vulnerable again.


Zari possesses the Air Totem, which gives her the power to harness the wind. Zari can use the totem to move things, shoot blasts of air, create a shield, and even fly. Despite the massive power she can command with the totem, Zari prefers not to use it because it originally belonged to her deceased brother. Zari blames herself for what happened to him and the totem is a sad reminder.

Instead, it’s her skills with technology that are her greatest asset to the Legends. Given her preference for working with computers rather than with her totem, Zari often stays on the Waverider instead of going on missions with the team.


Ray Palmer doesn’t have any superpowers to speak of — unless you count the power of extreme intelligence. Ray’s intellect enabled him to create an exosuit that turns him into The Atom. The suit has offensive and defensive capabilities, including the abilities to shield himself from weapons, shoot energy blasts, and even shrink down to get into places he normally couldn’t.

Yet, Ray’s genius as a scientist and engineer are often equally valuable to the Legends, letting him take on any scientific problem that comes their way. In the end, though, it may be Ray’s big heart that really means the most to the team. While his inherent optimism may grate on some of them, his ability to see the best in people also helps them see the best in themselves.


Like many of the Legends, Nora didn’t exactly start out as a good guy. In many ways, she was just a product of her upbringing by her villainous father, Damien Darhk. She was also a vessel for the demon Mallus, something that would mess with anyone’s sense of right and wrong. Yet, somewhere along the way, she started to crave redemption, even serving time in the Time Bureau’s prison as a way to repent for her past actions.

Now that she’s one of the good guys, she’s become an agent of the Time Bureau and an honorary Legend. She’s a talented magician, with an impressive array of powers that give her the ability to both defend herself and help the Legends.


Despite striving to be a hero, Sara Lance still wrestles with her dark side. Before becoming a Legend, Sara was shipwrecked with Oliver Queen and was eventually trained by the League of Assassins. Those experiences turned her into a deadly weapon.

Sara also lost her life and was resurrected by Constantine. The combination of the horrible things Sara did as a member of the League of Assassins and her time in the underworld has given Sara a unique perspective. Yet, she is also constantly striving to be better. Her work with the Legends is a big part of that. Along the way, she’s proven she’s a natural leader who is now completely dedicated to preserving the timeline.


John Constantine isn’t much of a joiner. Despite his protests to the contrary, though, after spending most of Legends of Tomorrow’s fourth season aboard the Waverider, he’s become an important member of the team.

The Legends have found themselves dealing with magic and the occult more and more, so Constantine’s presence has become invaluable. Constantine is a powerful magician with a deep understanding of dark arts and impressive abilities that enable him to take on any mystical being. His knowledge of the supernatural has also helped the Legends overcome perplexing magical conundrums on more than one occasion. Hopefully, he’ll stick around for a long time to come.