Earlier this week, Apple won a United Nation award for its use of 100 percent renewable energy as well as other climate change efforts. In a new interview with Fast Company, Apple’s VP of environmental, social, and policy initiatives, Lisa Jackson, explained more about how Apple is working with its supply chain partners to help them transition to renewable energy.

Jackson explained that Apple’s ultimate goal is to ensure that even the facilities it doesn’t own or operate have access to “the same high-quality clean energy that we did.” This comes after Apple announce earlier this week that its China Clean Energy Fund was investing in three new wind farms.

The goal of the China Clean Energy Fund is to help transition suppliers to clean energy, including smaller companies who otherwise might not be able to:

Apple’s program is also designed to help customers navigate things like regulatory requirements, indicating that it goes much farther than just financial support.

Jackson also emphasized that Apple wants to help transition the supply chain to clean energy in a way that makes financial sense as well:

The full interview is absolutely worth a read and can be found at Fast Company.